Need Assistance

Pennsylvania Homeowner Assistance Fund (PAHAF) is reopening and accepting new applications beginning March 18, 2024

Program Eligibility Requirements Eligible Property Type Eligible properties are those dwellings located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that are owner-occupied or, in the case of a land contract or contract for deed, occupied by the documented buyer, and include:  Single-family/row home (attached or detached properties)  Condominium units  Cooperatives  Manufactured homes  2- to 4-unit properties where the homeowner is living in one of the units as their primary residence  Multi-parcel properties may be allowed if adjacent to the parcel on which the residence is located and undeveloped except for a garage, barn, as an extension of the residence. Properties that are vacant or abandoned, second homes, non-owner-occupied investment property or commercial property are ineligible for PAHAF, pursuant to Treasury guidance. Eligible Loan Types Mortgages, as defined in the definitions section of this document, are eligible. Additional rules related to Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) loans and land contracts have been developed to clarify these qualifying loan types. 5 Applicants with a Contract for Deed may be eligible for mortgage assistance if able to comply with all PAHAF Program requirements and verify the contractual agreement between the seller/owner of the property. Business or commercial loans are not allowed in the PAHAF program. Qualified Financial Hardship A qualified financial hardship is a material reduction in income or material increase in living expenses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic that has created or increased the risk of mortgage delinquency, mortgage default, foreclosure, loss of utilities or home energy services, or displacement for a homeowner. Eligible applicants must have experienced, and attest to, a qualified financial hardship associated with the COVID-19 pandemic that began, continued, or worsened any time after January 21, 2020 (including a hardship that began before January 21, 2020, but continued after that date), as required by Treasury guidance. 5 HELOC and Land Contract information can be found in the Case Management SOP. PAHAF Overarching Program Policy Manual 18 A qualified financial hardship may be the result of a job loss, furlough, reduction in hours or pay, temporary or permanent closure of business, reduction in business hours or capacity, or another income-reducing scenario associated with the pandemic. There may also be the result of an increase in out-of-pocket household expenses. Examples include a rise in medical expenses, need to care for additional family members, increased childcare costs, increase in household size, and any other expense-increasing scenario related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Occupancy and Primary Residency Eligible applicants must currently occupy the property as their primary residence for which they are seeking financial assistance. 
Documentation Requirements Documents needed to support the application must be supplied upon submission, including:  A valid (not expired) government-issued photo ID, which may include a driver’s license, state ID, passport, or military ID.
 Deed or proof of ownership, which may include: ▪ Property tax bills ▪ County property tax assessment ▪ Screenshot of property information from the tax assessor’s website If the applicant(s) is an heir, equitable owner, or successor-in-interest, additional documentation is required. Equitable Owners and Heirs Policy and Procedure.  Verification of Social Security Number (SSN) or individual Tax Identification Number (TIN) from applicant (mandatory) and co-owner (if applicable), which may include one of the documents listed below, to verify the full SSN or last 4 digits. ▪ Social security card ▪ Tax identification number ▪ Paystub(s) ▪ W-2 Form ▪ 1040 tax form ▪ 1099 tax form ▪ Official bank, insurance, or government document showing a minimum of last 4 digits  A current monthly mortgage statement.  Proof of current income (if not verified by Proxy method and/or applying for Forward Mortgage Payment Assistance): ▪ Previous year’s IRS Form 1040, including any schedules filed with it. ▪ If applicant(s) did not file the previous year’s income taxes, or if current income is different from the amount reported on the most recent tax filing, household income can be verified with:  30 days of pay stubs for regular income  Three months of pay stubs for irregular income (commissions, seasonal, overtime, etc.)  Unemployment statement  Bank statements showing regular deposits (Social Security, retirement, etc.) Note: If any income documentation other than an IRS Form 1040 is provided, the applicant will be asked to supply additional income documents including interest and dividends.  Act 6, Act 91, or Sheriff Sale Notice (if applicable)  Third Party Authorization form PAHAF Overarching Program Policy Manual 24  Hardship attestation  Bankruptcy Court Approval Form (if applicable)  Any other executed PAHAF form that may be necessary as a result of the applicant’s specific situation (e.g., Same Name Affidavit, Waiver Request) PAHAF uses third-party data to verify eligibility requirements, specifically proxy verification for income. If third-party verification is not possible, PAHAF may require additional documentation from the applicant. PAHAF may provide waivers or exceptions to these documentation requirements as reasonably necessary to accommodate extenuating circumstances, such as disabilities, practical challenges related to the pandemic, or limited technology access by applicants. 
Applications Homeowners can begin their application by registering at PA HAF ( providing their full name, an email address, and whether they are comfortable communicating in English. Upon submission of the registration form, an automated email is sent to the applicant’s email address with log-in credentials and guidance to access the application portal. Homeowners who do not have an email address can contact our partners at the Housing Counseling Agency (HCA) for assistance; they can be found at  Or call 1-888-987-2423.
Utility Payment Assistance Program Element
Brief description – PAHAF funds may be used to resolve delinquent payments for utility services, particularly for those utility bills where no assistance program, currently, exists in Pennsylvania or a one-time fill-up assistance for expenses related to pre-paid fuel delivery.
Homeowners will be encouraged to apply for utility assistance through other utility service assistance programs when applying for the PAHAF utility portion of the program.  Utility assistance awarded through HAF must not duplicate grant assistance provided through other federal and state programs.  The requirement to bring account balances fully current is only applicable to the mortgage reinstatement program element and is not applicable to the utility payment assistance program element.
Maximum assistance per homeowner – The maximum amount of assistance available for utilities is $10,000 as long as such funding remains available under the total $50,000 cap.  Utility assistance may be available in combination with mortgage reinstatement and forward mortgage payment assistance or as a standalone option for homeowners without a mortgage.
Applicants must have experienced a Qualified Financial hardship that began as of January 21, 2020 (including those that began prior to January 21, 2020 but continued after).  Arrearages of qualified expenses are eligible for purposes of PAHAF regardless of the date they were incurred, including if they arose before January 2020, and under the PAHAF established caps.
The maximum amount of combined assistance for any homeowner under the PAHAF is $50,000 for mortgage reinstatement, forward mortgage payment, other property charge default resolution assistance, and utilities.
This is not a listing of the full requirements, SEE MORE INDEPTH EXPLAINATION OF BENEFITS at